I get an OutOfMemoryError, how can I increase the heap size of JMulti?

In the jmulti folder open jm.bat with an ASCII text editor and change the command to the following (setting a heap space of 512 MB):

java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -DDEBUG="false" -DGRTE="true" -jar jmulti.jar

Start jmulti with jm.bat instead of jmulti.exe then.

Why do I get an error when graphics should be displayed?

The most likely reason is that the graphics directory is not writable or contains whitespace characters. By default the jmulti graphics path points to the installation directory. In network installations this is often write protected, therefore the graphics directory must be changed to point to a writable path that contains no whitespace characters. This can be set in jgrte/engine_config.xml in the GRAPHICS_DIR variable.

One may rightfully ask why this annoying behaviour has not been avoided by setting the GRAPHICS_DIR path to the default temporary directory which is always writable. However, that path typically contains whitespace characters which are not handled properly by the GRTE 5.0 on which JMulTi currently depends. It is hoped that an update to GRTE 8.0 will fix this.

I don't like how Impulse Response Graphs look like. Is there any way to export the numbers? I want to reuse the estimation output for computation in another program, but the precision of the text output is not high enough.

For export data of any kind to various different formats, including pure Ascii and Excel, use Control->Symbol Control. You find the IAs with the CIs under VAR (or VECM) -> IRAPanel there you find the variables and CIs after they have been plotted. Check the description and compare with the text output to see what is what. You might also copy and paste. JMulTi stores all data that might be reused in the symbol control from where it can be exported without loss of precision.

How to store graphs?

JMulTi uses the Gauss Graphics Viewer by default. The simplest way to copy the figure is Ctrl-C over the picture and then Ctrl-V in some graphics program or word processor.
To store graphs as encapsulated postscript, one can save the figure via "convert->Encapsulated PS". Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the scaling factor if the graph is too big (0.15 is often appropriate). The best results are achieved when the following view options are set (via "View-Options"):

  • Background: "white"
  • Vector color conversion: "Use costum color map", in the color map set "WHITE->BLACK" mapping
  • Printing: Vector hi-res